Brand Name: aiopp
Is Bulbs Included: Yes
Voltage: 12V
Body Material: ABS
Warranty: 1 YEAR
Style: Novelty
Light Source: LED bulbs
Certification: RoHS
Certification: CE
Certification: UL
Power Source: DC
Plug Type: US
Magnetic Levitation Technology:
- The most impressive feature of this lamp is its ability to levitate. Using magnetic levitation technology, the moon-shaped lamp floats above its base without any physical support. This creates a mesmerizing effect, making it an eye-catching and futuristic addition to your home or office decor.
3D Printed Moon Design:
- The lamp is designed to resemble the moon, with a highly detailed and textured surface that mimics the moon’s craters and features. The 3D printing process ensures a high level of precision, creating a realistic and aesthetically pleasing representation of the moon.
Three Lighting Modes:
- The lamp offers three lighting modes to suit different moods or needs:
- Warm light for a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.
- Cool white light for a bright, modern look or to enhance productivity.
- Neutral light for a balanced and comfortable ambiance.
- These options allow you to choose the perfect lighting for reading, relaxation, or as a decorative accent in your space.
- The lamp offers three lighting modes to suit different moods or needs:
Touch Control:
- The lamp is equipped with touch control functionality, making it easy to adjust the lighting modes and brightness levels. This adds convenience, as you can control the light settings with just a simple touch on the base or the floating moon.
Energy Efficient LED Lighting:
- The lamp uses LED lighting, which is not only energy-efficient but also has a long lifespan. This makes it a sustainable lighting option for your home or office, saving you money on electricity and reducing the need for frequent bulb replacements.
USB Charging:
- The base of the lamp often includes a USB charging port, making it practical for charging devices like smartphones, tablets, or other electronics. This added functionality makes the lamp even more convenient for bedside tables, desks, or workspaces.
Elegant and Modern Design:
- The levitating moon lamp’s sleek design is perfect for any modern or contemporary setting. Whether used as a decorative piece on a bedside table, desk, or in your living room, the lamp adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to any space.
Perfect Gift:
- The Levitating Moon Lamp makes an excellent gift for various occasions, including birthdays, housewarming parties, or as a thoughtful gift for tech enthusiasts, astronomy lovers, or anyone who appreciates unique and artistic home decor.
Quiet Operation:
- The magnetic levitation system operates quietly, making it suitable for use in bedrooms or offices where you need a peaceful and serene environment.
Lightweight and Durable:
- The moon lamp is made from durable materials and is lightweight enough to be easily moved or repositioned. Its sturdy base ensures stability while the moon floats above, creating a beautiful, gravity-defying effect.
- Visually Stunning: The levitating moon creates a mesmerizing visual effect, making it a focal point in any room.
- Mood-Enhancing Lighting: With three adjustable lighting modes, you can customize the ambiance to suit your mood or the activity at hand.
- Space-Saving and Functional: This lamp offers both a unique lighting solution and added functionality, especially with the USB charging port, making it ideal for bedside or desk use.
- Ideal for Multiple Settings: Whether you need ambient light for relaxation or bright light for reading or work, the different lighting modes cater to your needs. It’s perfect for bedrooms, offices, living rooms, or even as a conversation starter in your entryway.
Ideal For:
- Offices: The futuristic design and adjustable lighting modes make it a perfect desk lamp for a modern workspace.
- Bedrooms: With its calming and adjustable light, it serves as a bedside table lamp that adds a relaxing vibe to your room.
- Living Rooms: The unique floating moon is sure to grab attention as a statement piece in your home.
- Gifts: A unique and impressive gift for someone who loves science, technology, or decorative lighting.
The Levitating Moon Table Lamp with 3D-printed levitation and touch controls is a stunning and functional piece of decor. It combines aesthetic beauty with practical features like adjustable lighting and USB charging, making it a versatile and modern addition to any space.
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كنت أدفع مبالغ باهظة كل شهر مقابل جلسات التدليك والعلاج بالحجامة والوخز بالإبر للتخلص من التشنجات المزعجة في رقبتي وظهري، ولحسن الحظ وجدت كأس Nue. إنه الحل الأمثل لمساعدتي في التخلص من كل آلامي وأوجاعي المزعجة باستخدام محلول بسيط يمكن حمله باليد ويمكنني تطبيقه بنفسي بكل سهولة. إنه خيار لا يحتاج إلى تفكير، خاصة إذا أخذنا في الاعتبار الضمان لمدة عام وضمان استرداد الأموال خلال 30 يومًا! أنا سعيد لأنني اشتريت كأس Nue :)
لقد غيرت كأس Nue حياتي. فأنا أجلس وأعمل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بي لمدة 6-8 ساعات على الأقل كل يوم، وقد وجدت نفسي في حلقة مزمنة من آلام الكتف بسبب وضعية الجسم السيئة على مر السنين. وأعاني من نوبات الألم باستمرار، وكأس Nue هي الحل الأمثل بالنسبة لي، فهي تجلس بجوار مكتبي وتوفر لي شعورًا بالراحة على الفور حتى أتمكن من التركيز على عملي! لا يمكنني أن أوصي بها أكثر من ذلك!
اشتريت كأس Nue لمساعدتي في تخفيف آلام أسفل ظهري. عملت في مجال البناء لأكثر من 12 عامًا، وقد أثرت السنوات عليّ على أقل تقدير. دائمًا ما أشعر بآلام في ظهري، وتشنجات، وحالات مستمرة من الألم وعدم الراحة. أحتفظ بكأس Nue بالقرب مني في أي وقت أكون فيه في المنزل لتخفيف الألم بسرعة. يستغرق الأمر 10 دقائق حتى أشعر بالعودة إلى طبيعتي. إنها نعمة في حياتي، تستحق 50 دولارًا.